The Story
A proud partnership between Manuel Gómez, De la Gente, and Coffeebar.
Grown on the shaded slopes of Volcan Agua, this coffee is a special lot produced by Manuel Gómez and his family specifically for Coffeebar. Manuel is a long-serving member of the cooperative in San Miguel Escobar, where Coffeebar is heavily invested via our partnership with the Antigua-based importer De La Gente. Never satisfied with the norm, Manuel is always on the leading edge of innovation with regards to coffee production. A visit to his family home will reveal coffee drying on the central patio, often with his two youngest daughters playing in it, as well as the walls already stacked with coffee ready for export, and on the roof various drying beds covered with different experimental lots of his.
We’ve worked closely with Manuel for the past few years, and in 2017, Manuel won the inaugural San Miguel Escober cooperative microlot competition. That was the beginning of our purchasing relationship with Manuel. His coffees are grown under shade at 1800 meters in elevation, hand harvested, and sorted to a very high level, all by Manuel and his wife Rosy (with help from the kids, of course).
A favorite part of our work in coffee is the connections and partnerships we form globally, and this coffee reflects that. From on the ground work we did with the importer De la Gente in 2017, to building a relationship with Manuel and his family, we’re proud and excited to see and experience this coffee all the way from harvest to the cup. And even more excited to share it with you.