Oh hey! It’s been a while.
2022 was a challenging one for Coffeebar. We’d seen the worst of COVID itself,
but the impacts of the pandemic were still wreaking havoc on our business. We
struggled with exponentially rising costs, unpredictable supply chains, and severely understaffed cafes. Unfortunately, the 2021 Transparency Report was a victim of the chaos. But we’re back, and given everything that happened last year, or in some cases things that didn’t happen, we wanted to broaden the conversation beyond just reporting on our coffee purchases.
In all honesty, sustainability – at least in the way most people think of it,
environmental sustainability – was not our top priority as we struggled just to stay afloat last year. But what it means to run a sustainable business in general was something we talked about constantly.
So in reflecting on 2022, we wanted to focus on how sustainability is defined
differently throughout the coffee supply chain, and how Coffeebar interacts with the concept of sustainability in general. In this report, you’ll find not only
information on our coffee buying practices, but also insights from our importer
partners and Coffeebar executives, as we asked them each, “What does sustainability mean to you?” As ever, our goal in producing this Transparency Report is to not only share some behind-the-scenes info with you, but also to hold ourselves accountable as we continue to grow and face different challenges.
We hope you enjoy our insight into 2022.